Our story

The CARBON 4 SOIL QUALITY project brings together experts from across the Mediterranean to tackle critical environmental challenges: reducing atmospheric CO2 and improving soil health. Recognizing that these complex issues require collaborative effort, our partnership combines diverse expertise to develop practical, scalable solutions for carbon farming. ​

The partnership

Carbon4SoilQuality group photo

The CARBON 4 SOIL QUALITY project is a collaboration among leading research institutions and agricultural experts across the Mediterranean.

Our partnership includes:

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia – KIS (SI);

University of Almería – UAL (ES);

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – AUTH (EL);

Institute for Sustainable Development – ISD (SI);

Ri.nova Cooperative Society – RI.NOVA (IT);

University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” – Institute of Agriculture – IAS (MK);

University of Padova – UNIPD (IT);

University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty – UCG (ME).

As Carbon 4 Soil Quality is a “study” type project, the excellence of the research is extremely important for the success of the project. Therefore, 6 partners are research organisations of EU/national/regional importance and represent an important critical mass of scientific knowledge in the Euro-MED area.

The scientific excellence of the partnership is paired with 2 institutions representing civil society (NGO – ISD) and farmers (SME – RI.NOVA).