What we do
The CARBON 4 SOIL QUALITY project aims to address two pressing challenges: reducing atmospheric CO2 levels and enhancing soil quality. Our activities are structured to lay the scientific and practical groundwork for effective carbon sequestration in soil.

What will we focus on?
- Developing and disseminating a carbon farming toolbox.
- Review of literature and existing data from past relevant trials in diverse Mediterranean pedo-climatic zones.
- Collaborating across borders to harmonize methodologies and share best practices.
- Engaging with agricultural stakeholders to ensure the adoption and scalability of carbon farming techniques.
Our cross-border approach leverages the unique strengths and climatic challenges of each partner region, fostering innovation and tailored solutions that are both sustainable and economically viable.
WP1: Better understanding of carbon farming benefits for quality of soil and CO2 reduction
Work package 1 aims at improving missing knowledge gaps about carbon farming and its effects on soil quality and climate change. We plan to accomplish this by:
- Activity 1.1 – Definition of soil organic matter reference values for different soil types
- Activity 1.2 – Adaptation of organic carbon analysis standards and monitoring procedures
- Activity 1.3 – Research about carbon farming techniques the most appropriate for the Euro-MED area
- Activity 1.4 – Definition of carbon farming socio-economic models including sustainability aspects
- Activity 1.5 – Study of carbon credit schemes and environmental certification systems
WP2: Building solid foundation for testing carbon farming in Euro-MED area
Work package 2 will prepare a solid base for future testing of carbon farming in the euro-med area. This will be achieved through:
- Activity 2.1 – Strategic systemic approach to improve soil quality
- Activity 2.2 – Preparation of transferrable carbon farming training materials
- Activity 2.3 – Planning actions for testing carbon farming schemes in the Euro-MED area
- Activity 2.4 – Conference “Future of carbon farming”
- Activity 2.5 – Contribution to EU carbon farming initiative
WP3: Mandatory horizontal activities
Work package 3 is dedicated to is dedicated to ensuring smooth cooperation among MED community projects and monitoring the project’s overall carbon footprint. This will be done with:
- Activity 3.1 – Monitoring and offset of the project’s carbon footprint
- Activity 3.2 – Contribution to the Results Amplification Strategy and to the Programme activities